Tag: soot

Sooting tendencies of terpenes and hydrogenated terpenes as sustainable transportation biofuels Junqing Zhu, Juan V. Alegre-Requena, Patrick Cherry, Dominic Curtis, Benjamin G. Harvey, Mohamed A. Jabed, Seonah Kim, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Josanne-Dee Woodroffe, Proc. Comb. Inst., 39, 1, 877-887 (2023)

Elucidating the chemical pathways of soot precursor formation during combustion of 1- and 2-phenylethanol, Brian D. Etz, Gina M. Fioroni, Richard A. Messerly, Mohammad J. Rahimi, Peter C. St. John, David J. Robichaud, Earl D. Christensen, Brian P. Beekley, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Yuan Xuan, Shubham Vyas, Robert S. Paton, Robert L. McCormick, Seonah Kim, Proc. Comb. Inst. 38, 1, 1327-1334 (2021)

Investigation of structural effects of aromatic compounds on sooting tendency with mechanistic insight into ethylphenol isomers, Yeonjoon Kim, Brian D. Etz, Peter C. St. John, Gina M. Fioroni, Richard A. Messerly, Shubham Vyas, Brain P. Beekley, Facheng Guo, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Robert L. McCormick, Seonah Kim, Proc. Comb. Inst. 38, 1, 1143-1151 (2021)

Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Quantum Chemistry Calculations To Investigate Soot-Relevant Reaction Pathways for Hexylamine Isomers, Hyunguk Kwon, Brian D. Etz, Matthew J. Montgomery, Richard Messerly, Sharmin Shabnam, Shubham Vyas, Adri C. T. van Duin, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Seonah Kim, and Yuan Xuan, J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 4290-4304 (2020)

Development of a data-derived sooting index including oxygen-containing fuel components, Peter St. John, Seonah Kim, Robert L. McCormick, Energy & Fuels, 33, 10, 10290-10296 (2019)

Experimental and theoretical insight into the soot tendencies of the methylcyclohexene isomers, Seonah Kim, Gina M. Fioroni, Ji-Woong Park, David J. Robichaud, Dhrubajyoti D. Das, Peter C. St. John, Tianfeng Lu, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Robert S. Paton, Thomas D. Foust, Robert L. McCormick, Proc. Comb. Inst., 37, 1, 1083-1090 (2019).

Sooting tendencies of co-optima test gasolines and their surrogates, Charles S. McEnally, Yuan Xuan, Peter C. St. John, Dhrubajyoti D. Das, Abhishek Jain, Seonah Kim, Thomas A. Kwan, Lance K. Tan, Junqing Zhu, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Proc. Comb. Inst., 37, 1, 961-968 (2019)

Measuring and Predicting Sooting Tendencies of Oxygenates, Alkanes, Alkenes, Cycloalkanes, and Aromatics on a Unified Scale, Dhruhajyoti D. Das, Peter St. John, Charles S. McEnally, Seonah Kim, Lisa D. Pfefferle, Combustion and Flame, 190, 349-364 (2018).

Sooting tendencies of aromatic hydrocarbons with oxygen- containing side-chains, Brian P. Beekley, Charles S. McEnally, Peter C. St. John, Seonah Kim, Abhishek Jain, Hyunguk Kwon, Yuan Xuan, Lisa D. Pfefferle, ESSCI (Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute) Spring 2018, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.

A quantitative model for the prediction of sooting tendency from molecular structure, Peter C. St John, Paul Kairys, Dhrubajyoti D. Das, Charles S. McEnally, Lisa D. Pfefferle, David J. Robichaud, Mark R. Nimlos, Bradley T. Zigler, Robert L. McCormick, Thomas D. Foust, Yannick J. Bomble, and Seonah Kim†, Energy & Fuels, 31 (9), 9983-9990 (2017).